DPS – East Sussex Supported Accommodation & Housing Support
Estimated Value – £116,000,000
Deadline – Open until 2025

Care Tenders

East Sussex Supported Accommodation & Housing Support

The aim of this East Sussex Supported Accommodation & Housing Support service is to underpin the strategic priorities of East Sussex County Council’s adult social care and children’s services departments, and local health and housing partners, to provide a flexible, outcomes-focussed on-site housing support service that: (i) prevents a wide range of crisis situations including homelessness; (ii) supports clients to stay safe, including their mental and physical wellbeing, and better manage their use of substances and complex needs; (iii) builds resilience, in part by taking an asset-based approach to personal development that enables employment and future independent living; (iv) actively supports healthy living and well-being; (v) actively promotes self-care and avoids hospital or accommodation-based care or use of the Criminal Justice System; and (vi) proactively supports clients to regain independence, maximising their capacity to live independently, and to move on with specialist support to prevent future crises.

Renewal Options

Can extend for up to a further 60 months, with a final end date of 31 August 2030.

Other Information

The estimated value is the maximum total spend under the approved list and the average annual value of an individual call-off contract is GBP 100 000.

East Sussex County Council and East Sussex District and Borough Councils are permitted to call-off the approved list, the full list of District and Borough Councils can be found here: www.eastsussex.gov.uk/yourcouncil/about/districtandborough/.

The NHS East Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group (as amended) and the Ministry of Justice’s National Probation Service (for East Sussex only) can also call-off this Approved List.

This is a DPS and so application submissions can be opened as and when they are submitted.

The East Sussex Supported Accommodation & Housing Support procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sesharedservices/aspx/Home

Disclaimer: BFT Consult is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained within this tender notice, or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information in this site is provided “as is”, with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy, or timeliness.

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