Training & Skills Tenders

We provide outstanding bid writing services for private companies, charities and CICs to win contracts to deliver training, skills and employment services including:
Adult Education Budget funded services
Welfare to Work provision
Community learning including functional skills

Prices for Training & Skills Tenders start from £2,450

All we ask is that you are good at what you do. Why? So that we don’t inadvertently help poor companies to submit high quality tenders that win contracts that others are better placed to deliver. If your company delivers high quality services then we would be delighted to win multiple contracts for you. If you want to secure a contract for any training, skills, employability, or employment service then contact us today.

We have helped companies win Training & Skills Tenders from

and many, many more funders…

Contact us to win more Training & Skills Tenders

Fill out the form below to request a call-back from our Bid Director, Ian.