Liverpool Social Health Model: Enhanced Social Prescribing Services
Estimated Value – £5.6m
Deadline – 14/03/2024

Health Tender

Liverpool Social Health Model: Enhanced Social Prescribing Services

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB) is looking to procure an enhanced social prescribing service for Liverpool in order to equip, systematically, universal and first level health services with rapid access to a core determinants response for their patients. This service will be core element in the delivery of a proportionate and integrated model of social health in Liverpool, improving the way health and care services routinely respond to non-clinical risk factors, particularly those associated with deprivation and mental distress. The service will integrate with priority healthcare pathways and primary care based social prescribing schemes across the city.

The main objectives of setting up a Social Model of Health Services contract is as follows:

 Provide a social welfare offer which is fully integrated into primary care and social prescribing services

 Provide a blended social welfare and wellbeing offer for patients from mental health, pathway 0, perinatal, cancer, respiratory, urgent care services

 Improve well-being, quality of life, social inclusion, community connectedness

 Promote economic wellbeing and economic resilience

 Support redistribution of demand for primary care, acute and social care services for better preventative health outcomes

 Reduce duplication and fragmentation across social prescribing and well-being services in Liverpool

 Contribute to the outcomes and evidence-base for social prescribing

 Promote self-care

 Promote the five ways to wellbeing

 Provide advice clinics in health and community settings for patients

 Support individuals to identify and access appropriate activities, assets, information and advice, develop and improve social connections

 Help build health and wellbeing capacity in communities

 Develop and strengthen effective partnerships and pathways

 Appropriately support the service user to achieve their personal objectives

 Collate, analyse and report to Commissioners on model impact

Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: £5,500,000

Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months


This contract is subject to renewal


Description of renewals

24 months

Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate


14 March 2024

Local time


More information about how to apply for the Liverpool Social Health Model: Enhanced Social Prescribing Services tender:

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